Hongsok Lee
The Wednesday forum, held on February 28, 2024, at the Graduate School Building of Universitas Gadjah Mada, was an interesting presentation entitled “The Joke is on Me (God).” The speaker, Prof. Robert Setio, is the Dean of the Faculty of Theology at Universitas Kristen Duta Wacana and a faculty member of the Indonesian Consortium for Religious Studies.
The presentation began by listening to the song “I started a Joke” by the Bee Gees together and discussing the meaning of the lyrics. The presenter went on to quote Søren Kierkegaard on irony: “Irony limits, finitizes, and circumscribes and thereby yields truth, actuality, and content; it disciplines and punishes and thereby yields balance and consistency.” Through his examination of the role that humor about God can play in uncovering the irony of religion and the meaning of humanity, he argues that humor about God can be a good tool for understanding the complexity and diversity of religion and humanity.