After passing the Comprehensive Examination, until the eighth semester, students need to fulfill all requirements of the PhD degree. Students conduct literature-based research or field research and write their dissertation. They should be in close contact with the promoters and co-promoters and may reasonably expect (co-)promoters to respond within two weeks with written or oral comments on submitted thesis chapter drafts. At the end of each semester, students need to submit a logbook detailing their progress, which needs to be approved by their (co-)promoters. Submission of the semester logbook is a condition for registration in the next semester.
The milestones of dissertation writing are:
- Semester 4-6: Undertake research.
- Semester 5: Present the interim research findings in the First Dissertation Promotion Club (Seminar Hasil). The date of the seminar is to be discussed with the promoters. The seminar needs to be attended by the doctoral faculty and may be attended by other students. In this semester, students start preparing for publication of a journal article (see below).
- Semester 5-6: Based on the dissertation, students, in collaboration with the promoter and co-promoters, need to publish an article in an internationally-indexed journal, or two articles in nationally- indexed journals. Promoters and co-promoters are co-authors of the journal article(s) and should be actively involved in the writing as well as helping to determine the avenues of acceptable journals. The article(s) have to mention ICRS PhD program as the authors’ affiliation, the name of the three universities that make up the Consortium (the Graduate School of Universitas Gadjah Mada, the Graduate Program of the State Islamic University Sunan Kalijaga, and Universitas Kristen Duta Wacana) and, if applicable, other universities with which the (co-)promoters are affiliated.
- Semester 7: By the end of Semester 7, the dissertation writing is expected to be completed and approved by the promoters and co-promoters. In this semester, students need to present their research findings in the Second Dissertation Promotion Club (Seminar Hasil). The date of the seminar is to be discussed with the promoters. The seminar should be attended by the doctoral faculty and other students.
- Semester 8: The last phase is a series of assessments, revisions, and exams and may take up to six months. As such the dissertation needs to be approved by the end of Semester 7 so that the process of assessment and examination may start early in Semester 8. This last stage comprises:
- Assessment (Ujian Penilaian) of the approved dissertation and publications by a team created by ICRS, which consists of two examiners, the promoters, and an ICRS faculty member. Students will be given a maximum of three months to revise their dissertation draft when asked by the team.
- Graduate School Meeting to Discuss Eligibility (Rapat Kelayakan): The Graduate school and the assessment team will meet to discuss the result of the revised draft dissertation. The meeting will also discuss additional examiners for the Closed Defense.
- Closed Defense: The closed defense will be chaired by the Dean or Associate Dean of the Graduate School and attended by the Director of ICRS. The examination team consists of a minimum of seven and a maximum of nine examiners, including at least one external examiner from outside Universitas Gadjah Mada. Students who fail the exam may retake the closed defense once.
- Open Defense/PhD Promotion (optional): This option is only available for the students whose GPA is 3.50 (including the closed defense’s mark) with the agreement of all the examiners.
Students are officially declared to pass the doctoral study if they have fulfilled the following requirements:
- The GPA is not below 3,25
- There is no grade D or E in the transcript
- Passing the dissertation exams (the defenses)
Students graduate with one of the three predicates:
- Cum Laude: for students whose GPA is above 3,75, and study duration is not more than 8 semesters
- Very Satisfactory (Sangat Memuaskan): the GPS is between 3,51 and 3,75; or the student’s GPA is above 3,75 but the study duration is more than 8 semesters
- Satisfactory (Memuaskan): the GPA is between 3,25 and 3,51
To formally graduate and obtain certificate, students are required to submit the main academic documents (dissertation signed by promoters, co-promoters, examiners, head of the PhD program; course transcript; the required publication) as well as other administrative documents, related to financial obligation and library. (Students are advised to provide ample time to complete all the requirements.)