[RISOS #8] Populisme Sayap-Kanan dan Kekerasan Main Hakim Sendiri: Membandingkan Indonesia dan India
Undangan Webinar Publik
RISOS (Reading in Social Sciences) #7
Populisme Sayap-Kanan dan Kekerasan Main Hakim Sendiri: Membandingkan Indonesia dan India
Jumat, 26 Agustus 2022, 14:00-16:00 WIB
Pendaftaran: https://bit.ly/RISOS-8
(1) Sana Jaffrey (Direktur Institute for Policy Analysis of Conflict (IPAC), Jakarta; penulis artikel yang akan dibahas);
(2) Laurens Bakker (Associate Professor pada Department of Antropology, University of Amsterdam, Belanda); dan
(3) Iqbal Ahnaf (Dosen pada The Center for Religious and Cross-cultural Studies (CRCS), Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta).
Undangan Webinar Publik
RISOS (Reading in Social Sciences) #6
Ragam Kuasa di Indonesia: Hukum, Seni Tradisional dan Kebebasan Beragama
Jumat, 24 Juni 2022, 14:00-16:00 WIB.
Pendaftaran: https://bit.ly/RISOS-6
(1) Samsul Maarif (Ketua Program Studi Agama dan Lintas Budaya (CRCS), UGM);
(2) Asfinawati (Dosen Sekolah Tinggi Hukum Indonesia Jentera, Jakarta)
Husni Mubarok (PUSAD Paramadina)
Kasus judicial review terhadap UU Administrasi Kependudukan di Mahkamah Konstitusi pada 2016-2017 memberi pelajaran menarik. Sebagian putusannya dianggap memberi pengakuan kesetaraan hak sipil kepada penganut kepercayaan/agama leluhur. Sejauhmana hal ini memberi kita wawasan baru tentang “kuasa” di Indonesia? Apakah penggunaan bahasa baru seperti kesetaraan kewarganegaraan dan perlindungan warisan budaya memperkuat advokasi kesetaraan?
The small, Indian Ocean island known as Sarandib, Lanka, and Ceylon was a site of banishment throughout the 18th century for members of royal families, convicts, servants and others sent there from across the Indonesian archipelago. Descendants of these exiles who remained on the island continued to speak and write in Malay, the archipelago’s lingua franca, and to adhere to a collective Muslim identity for several centuries and into the present. The talk considers if and how earlier religious and literary traditions of banishment tied to the island – those of Adam’s fall from paradise to Sarandib and Sinta’s abduction to Lanka – played a role in the lives of the early exiles and their descendants
Professor Ronit Ricci teaches in the departments of Asian Studies and Comparative Religion at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Since 2013 she has been developing Indonesian Studies at the Hebrew University, the only Israeli university to offer this field of study. Her research interests include Javanese and Malay manuscript cultures, Translation Studies, and Islamic literatures of South and Southeast Asia. She is the Principal Investigator for the ERC-funded project “Textual Microcosms” (2021-2026) which will explore the phenomenon of interlinear translation across the Indonesian-Malay world.
Undangan Webinar Publik
RISOS (Reading in Social Sciences) #4
Jumat, 22 April 2022, 14:00-16:00 WIB
Hantu Imperialisme Akademis?: Universitas Barat dan Pemikiran Islam Modern di Indonesia
Dalam Whose Islam?: The Western University and Modern Islamic Thought in Indonesia (2021), Megas Abbas mendiskusikan banyaknya mahasiswa Muslim Indonesia yang belajar di berbagai universitas Barat, misalnya Mukti Ali, Harun Nasution, Nurcholish Madjid, M. Amin Rais, dan lainnya. Dia membahas kaitannya dengan perkembangan pemikiran Islam di Indonesia. Apakah itu suatu imperialisme akademis atau hanya sekadar hantu? Jika ya, apakah itu disebabkan “tipisnya iman” mereka atau karena reformasi Islam memang memerlukan fondasi kebebasan akademis yang saat ini disediakan lembaga-lembaga pendidikan tinggi di Barat?
Undangan Webinar Publik
RISOS (Reading in Social Sciences) #5
Jumat, 27 Mei 2022, 14:00-16:00 WIB
Normalisasi Intoleransi di Indonesia: Studi Kasus Pilpres 2019
Tema ini diangkat dari artikel “The Normalization of Intolerance: The 2019 Presidential Election in Indonesia” (diterbitkan Electoral Studies [2021]) dan ditulis Risa J. Toha, Dimitar D. Gueorguiev, dan Aim Sinpeng.
Mengapa dan bagaimana pemilu mengakibatkan normalisasi intoleransi?
Apa yang harus dilakukan untuk mencegahnya?
(1) Risa J. Toha (Dosen Yale-NUS College, Singapura);
(2) Burhanudin Muhtadi (Direktur Eksekutif Indikator Politik Indonesia);
(3) Nathanael G. Sumaktoyo (Peneliti Senior PUSAD Paramadina)
Religious extremism among students in major campuses in Indonesia remains a cause for concern for Indonesian government officials. Several social and political surveys, journal articles and scholar reports have presented and discussed the rise of religious extremism among youths in Indonesia. But few have discussed religious extremism among students in Indonesian universities. This webinar aims to explore what cause Indonesian university students to subscribe to extreme ideas of Islam and also, to analyse the effectiveness of government and campus policies in tackling student religious extremism in Indonesia major campuses. This webinar argues that university students are lured to subscribe to religious extreme ideas due to increasing religious extremism narratives in public or private spheres. These narratives are internalized in the minds of university students in systematic and structured ways, through regular meetings and online postings, and through public events such as webinars organized by student organizations that promote extreme ideas of Islam. The internalization of such ideology is exacerbated with the lack of narratives on moderate Islam in public and private spheres. The government and campus authorities have formulated and implemented strategies to tackle the religious extremism problems among university students, but they largely work in silos, hence their strategies are not fully effective. This webinar is based on, among others, in-depth interviews with student activists, campus authorities and government officials during a one-month-long fieldtrip in some major campuses in Yogyakarta, Jakarta and Bandung between October and November 2021.