Refan Aditya, The Modern Endangered Archives Program (MEAP)
On September 21, 2024, Tangerang’s Chinatown Pasar Lama was abuzz with the cheers of thousands of people. They came to witness the most anticipated procession of the Benteng Chinese Peranakan: Gotong Toapekong 12 tahunan (12-yearly of Gotong Toapekong). Since it is only performed once every 12 years in the Dragon year of the lunar calendar, thousands of tourists flock from all over to visit this Chinatown district.
Gotong Toapekong is one of the most grandiose Chinese folk religion rituals that engages the wider public, not only the Chinese but also the non-Chinese communities around, making this ritual performace as a part of the mass culture that is both sacred and festive. Gotong Toapekong presents a parade of kimsin or deity statues that are taken out of the klenteng and carried around the city or Chinatown, serenaded with various art performances, such as drumming music, tatung, or spirit medium, and cengge or cosplay (costume play) of Chinese legendary figures such as Sun Go Kong and the Goddess of Kwan Im. Hence, Gotong Toapekong features the street as an important place where Chinese folk religion is performed and preserved, alongside the klenteng, Chinese cemetery, and home.